Automatic punching

Coil punching

Coil punching is a profitable form of production for piece quantities from 10,000 pieces. And up after. For each specific task, a punching tool is designed, in which the items are punched out with a pressure of 30-500 tons.

The workpieces are placed in the tool so that production is carried out with the least possible waste. From 500-25,000 items can be produced per hour, depending on the size and complexity of the item.

In a combination where embossing, bending and punching are part of the same tool, you can produce very complicated items in large numbers at very competitive prices. DANPRES has 14 punching lines for coil punching.

Get a no-obligation quote for automatic punching – Contact us today!

You are always welcome to contact us for advice and what we can offer within automatic punching.

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Picture of Morten Rands Clausen
Morten Rands Clausen

Sales and Marketing Manager

Mobil: +45 52 10 03 64
Tlf.: +45 86 95 23 00

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You are always welcome to contact us for a further presentation of Danpres and what we can offer.

If you have a specific task, I am ready to provide a proposed solution. Contact me or send a few keywords about the task and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

It is all quite non-binding.

Picture of Morten Rands Clausen
Morten Rands Clausen

Sales and Marketing Manager

Mobile: +45 52 10 03 64
Tel.: +45 86 95 23 00

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