Danpres are experts in metalworking. We therefore also offer our customers sparring and advice at the highest level, so that the customer is ultimately left with as functional and cost-effective an item as possible.
We have both theoretical and practical experience in-house, and in collaboration with our carefully selected toolmakers, we can choose the right solution. Our large, modern and versatile machinery means that we can choose the best and most efficient technical solutions with as high a degree of automation as possible. We work exclusively with local Danish and German toolmakers because we refuse to compromise on quality. It is imperative for Danpres that we can offer the most cost-effective, functional and flexible setup for our customers all the way through the value chain. That is why Danpres also has its own tool department, so that we can quickly resolve all service tasks on the tools internally.
Danpres is one of Denmark’s largest steel consumers, which gives us a number of competitive advantages. We work closely with several steel mills and wholesalers, and thus have access to the latest knowledge about raw materials and supplies in general. The right choice of materials and competitive raw material prices are of crucial importance to ensure the best item in the end.
In the design department, we can help convert the customer’s ideas into finished products, where we carry out 3D design via Solid Edge and here can carry out various simulations of new products, as well as offering 3D printing and manufacturing of prototypes. This gives the opportunity, together with the customer, to test, adapt and optimize a new item before it is put into final production. Experience shows that the key to the most cost-effective productions starts with involving our know-how and experience in the early phase of a development process.
You are always welcome to contact us for advice and what we can offer.
Danpres A/S specializes in metalworking and offers the delivery of individual components to customers in many branches of industry.
Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os for en yderligere præsentation af Danpres og hvad vi kan tilbyde.
Har du en konkret opgave, så er jeg parat til at give et løsningsforslag. Kontakt mig eller send et par stikord om opgaven, og så vil jeg vende tilbage hurtigst muligt.
Det hele er ganske uforpligtende.
Sales and Marketing Manager
Mobil: +45 52 10 03 64
Tlf.: +45 86 95 23 00
You are always welcome to contact us for a further presentation of Danpres and what we can offer.
If you have a specific task, I am ready to provide a proposed solution. Contact me or send a few keywords about the task and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
It is all quite non-binding.
Sales and Marketing Manager
Mobile: +45 52 10 03 64
Tel.: +45 86 95 23 00