Deep drawing

DANPRES offers deep drawing of items with the latest machine technology and complex tooling solutions. It makes it possible to manufacture items with high complexity that are very close to the desired target, so that post-processing can be minimized.

High degree of detail

With deep drawing, a very homogeneous and strong construction is usually achieved compared to a solution made of cast iron. By using intaglio, it is possible to achieve a high degree of detail on the workpieces, so that post-processing can be largely eliminated.

After deep drawing, the workpieces can proceed to 3D laser cutting or machining, and the complicated workpieces can subsequently be documented using 3D scanning.

The deep drawing process

Danpres A/S offers the best solutions within deep drawing for, among other things, the food, health and transport industries.

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Har du en konkret opgave, så er jeg parat til at give et løsningsforslag. Kontakt mig eller send et par stikord om opgaven, og så vil jeg vende tilbage hurtigst muligt.

Det hele er ganske uforpligtende.

Picture of Morten Rands Clausen
Morten Rands Clausen

Sales and Marketing Manager

Mobil: +45 52 10 03 64
Tlf.: +45 86 95 23 00

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Contact us

You are always welcome to contact us for a further presentation of Danpres and what we can offer.

If you have a specific task, I am ready to provide a proposed solution. Contact me or send a few keywords about the task and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

It is all quite non-binding.

Picture of Morten Rands Clausen
Morten Rands Clausen

Sales and Marketing Manager

Mobile: +45 52 10 03 64
Tel.: +45 86 95 23 00

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