When we have vacancies they will be posted on the page here.
Our customers are completely dependent on us delivering top quality on time – on every task!
Precisely for this reason, we are completely dependent on our skilled and highly professional team of employees. We regard our employees as the most important resource in the company, and have created an informal culture where we protect a good working environment and where well-being and job satisfaction are paramount. In addition, we have a well-functioning staff association.
We are constantly working to make Danpres an even better workplace. Therefore, we also prioritize social activities, whether facilitated by the staff association or by the management at Danpres. Besides some seasonal events, we always celebrate big events at Danpres.
Every Friday there is breakfast for all employees in the canteen. Evening and night teams get cake on the last shift before the weekend.
At Danpres, we have an extremely active staff association that facilitates a lot of exciting events - both for employees and their respective families. The staff association is also always responsive to good suggestions for activities.
All birthdays are of course marked at Danpres with flags and decorations.
One of the most important goals is that our employees thrive and contribute to the improvement of products and processes and that through this we can maintain continued positive growth and development. That is why we are constantly looking for skilled and competent people.
If you are interested in working at Danpres A/S, even if your dream job is not advertised here, you are very welcome to send us an unsolicited application at hr@danpres.dk with your information about e.g. Education and experience.
Danpres A/S specializes in metalworking and offers the delivery of individual components to customers in many branches of industry.
Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os for en yderligere præsentation af Danpres og hvad vi kan tilbyde.
Har du en konkret opgave, så er jeg parat til at give et løsningsforslag. Kontakt mig eller send et par stikord om opgaven, og så vil jeg vende tilbage hurtigst muligt.
Det hele er ganske uforpligtende.
Sales and Marketing Manager
Mobil: +45 52 10 03 64
Tlf.: +45 86 95 23 00
You are always welcome to contact us for a further presentation of Danpres and what we can offer.
If you have a specific task, I am ready to provide a proposed solution. Contact me or send a few keywords about the task and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
It is all quite non-binding.
Sales and Marketing Manager
Mobile: +45 52 10 03 64
Tel.: +45 86 95 23 00